Friday 27 January 2012

First weekend is passed tense already ...

Today we had a volleyball meeting with some other people in the compound at the beach. It started out a little frisky, but around 10.30am temperatures began to rise.
We met a lot of other Total expatriates, most of them french-speaking, but being the good belgian that we are, that was no problem for us.
The small tournament ended at noon and when we returned back to the appartment, we were surprised of the impact of the sun on our faces : all red :-)
A quick shower and fresh as a fish we went back to the meeting-hall where we were expected by no-one less then Santa Claus. Well, actually it was for the 80 something children that run around here, but we liked it also. They all got a gift and then afterwards there was cake : Gateau de Roi. In each cake there was a bean and the one who had the piece where it was hidden in, became the king of the table and had to put a crown on his or her head. At our table Tom was the lucky guy.
Oh I forgot about lunch. We ate at the compound-restaurant and everybody liked their food dispite the rumours of it not being that good. We'll definately will go back in the future.
In the late afternoon we did some shopping downtown at Qatif City Mall. The rest of the evening we kept it calm, becoz tomorrow's another workingday.

1 comment:

  1. Hey mario, nice that everything runs smoothly.
    Always nice to read the blog.
    Question, I try the gadget of the weather in all Khubar to remove because its terribly disturbing
    (Weather in Al Khubar : Mostly Sunny21°C)
