Tuesday 5 June 2012

It could be worse ...

Just received an email from a colleague here at work which I had to share with you, so, appologies to Lucien for using these pictures ;-)

Being in KSA in the dusty, hot and sometimes windy dessert isn't so bad. Okay, so now and then you sweat your butt off just going outside for a smoke (not me btw) or for a short strawl around the unit and you eat some sand, but apart from that, there's nothing else to really worry about.

NOT SO for our colleagues working in Qatar. There you are,walking around, minding your own business, doing your check-up rounds, looking at some gauges, temps, whatever and then ..... Hello !! You didn't expect this to be filling the oilreservoirs from the compressor, did ya ? It must have scared the h*** out of the field-operator when he turned around the corner !

So, you see ... the world of refining is more adventurous then you might think.

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