Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Just a picture ...

Now who says we don't find happiness in our work ? This is 06.25 in the morning and ready for another day ! And NO, I'm not trying to kill myself by jumping in front of the car ... He could have cleaned the windscreen first though ...

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The dangers of H2S ! (WARNING ! graphic pictures)

On May 20, at 12:30pm, Shaybah ISD control center reported that they received a telephone call from PMT reporting that 5 workers of GCS (Gulf cooperation SVCS (fell in the sewer at SBK-111 SAMSUNG Camp while they were fixing pumps and they needed a rescue team to respond.
The Samsung ambulance brought 4 injured persons and one person whom had already passed away to SHY clinic. They are under medical observation. 
Two Medevac flights requested to transfer them to Saudi Aramco Health Center at DH for further medical treatment.   At 20:45pm, the night shift reported that they found another three bodies floating in the sewer. At 23:40pm the Fire Rescue Team recovered the bodies to SHY clinic morgue for further investigation.

200 day celebration

Today we reached the 200 day mark before start-up. Or better said : Oil In First Topping Unit.
It went by pretty silent though. No actual celebration, not even an email.
But we just had cheer in the office ourselves.

No big difference either, because for us it's a party every day. We all like to come to work, because our team is doing so good. The supervisors are joining us and it 's almost like one big family here.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Overviewing the site ...

Just a picture my colleague took ...
(don't mind the distortion in the corners, it's a small camera ... or maybe it was the photographer, :-D)

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

It could be worse ...

Just received an email from a colleague here at work which I had to share with you, so, appologies to Lucien for using these pictures ;-)

Being in KSA in the dusty, hot and sometimes windy dessert isn't so bad. Okay, so now and then you sweat your butt off just going outside for a smoke (not me btw) or for a short strawl around the unit and you eat some sand, but apart from that, there's nothing else to really worry about.

NOT SO for our colleagues working in Qatar. There you are,walking around, minding your own business, doing your check-up rounds, looking at some gauges, temps, whatever and then ..... Hello !! You didn't expect this to be filling the oilreservoirs from the compressor, did ya ? It must have scared the h*** out of the field-operator when he turned around the corner !

So, you see ... the world of refining is more adventurous then you might think.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Bruised ribs ...

After almost 2 months of not training any martial arts at all, except for the daily fitness, we decided to pick it all up again. I made reservations for the animationroom for an hour on tuesday evening, so after work , me and Paul, went to exercise.
It only took us about 10 minutes to be out of breath. But we did manage to hang in there for about 45-50 minutes anyway.
We jumped rope, ran around the room, got warmed up and streched to avoid any injuries. After this we started pounding on the pillows ... pads they are called, I guess. Kicking and boxing ... pretending to be real pro's.
Then at the end we counted 15 kicks ... Paul must have counted 14 because when I dropped the pad, his number 15 came up knee-wise and struck me right above the pad straight into my ribs. At frist I didn't think too much about it and after jumping it off a little , I said to hit it again. That's when I felt it was more then just a kick in the ribs. Up to now it is hard to sleep on that side. Even fitness is out of the question, but I still go anyway. Maybe I should have it checked out, but then again, I am stubborn, I've always been. I'll just walk it off...

Some more drifting ...

This time we have an on-board camera so you can enjoy the thrill of sliding across the highway going about 180 km/u ...